More Exciting News!
All news in NZSL below.
Equal Voices Arts are organising a workshop series of training opportunities in ARTS and WELLBEING for the Deaf community!
There will be lots of opportunities coming up!!!
This workshop- what?
MINDFULNESS weekend workshop!
Mindfulness to support wellbeing and creativity.
Dr Laura Haughey and the Equal Voices Arts team have been developing an accessible mindfulness practice for the Deaf community.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 896657.
The mindfulness workshops will support general wellbeing, creativity and imagination.. and integration of body and mind.
Mindfulness has many health benefits!
What to expect:
A chance to step away from busy lives..
An opportunity to focus on yourself and this present moment..
A nurturing experience..
Calm, peaceful time for wellbeing
An opportunity to develop creativity and imagination
Potential Benefits:
- Relaxation
- Calm
- Reduction in stress
- Improved awareness
- Focus on wellbeing
- Focus on creativity
- Learn about mindfulness
- Learn simple mindfulness techniques to support you in everyday life
Who is leading workshop?
Dr Laura Haughey, Rāhera Turner, Denise Armstrong and Thora Hübner.
22nd & 23rd April 2023
University of Waikato, Kirikiriroa Hamilton
11 – 4pm BOTH days
How to register? Fill in google form link on this post here.
Places are limited! Please book now!